Does your budget have $100,000 to spare?
Hiring mistakes can be expensive. Unfortunately, not every hire you make will work out well in the long run.
Lou Adler, CEO of Performance-based Hiring Learning Systems and author, uses the $100,000 figure to illustrate his point about hiring mistakes in a recent LinkedIn Talent Blog.
Other than scaring the bejesus out of hiring managers, he makes some good points about how to avoid such mistakes. Among Adler’s advice:
1. Don’t let first impressions lead your hiring decisions. Always wait 30 minutes before making a conscious decision about whether you like the person.
2. Take “fit factors” into consideration — work style in particular. If the person isn’t a fit for your company culture, it’s not going to work no matter how talented they are.
3. Don’t screen on compensation or skills too soon. The strongest candidates are often willing to negotiate if they sense the position represents a trust upward move.
4. Hire for Year 1, not Day 1. A constructive hiring process will result in the both the hiring manager and the new hire agreeing it was the right decision-one year later.
5. Make sure any recruiter you work with clarifies the job in detail with the candidate before you even interview. A recruiter who can’t describe the actual work a top tier candidate will be doing on the job won’t convince him to become a serious candidate.
To read the full article on Linked In, click here.
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