With the current landscape changing rapidly, most if not all employees need to adjust to different work environments, handle concerns about loved ones, and juggle work along with responsibilities at home.
As an employer, the more you can remove stress from your employees throughout this time, the more effective they will be in their work.
Author and CEO Nadine Greiner, Ph.D. offers these four tips to motivate your team through stressful times:
1. Prioritize clear and consistent communication.
Check in with your employees frequently and encourage them to share what’s on their mind. This becomes more crucial as our current situation forces each individual to make significant adjustments to their work environment. Make use of video calls and internal social networks to keep teams up to date.
2. Offer time-management training.
Working from home is a different dynamic than working from the office, but it does not have to be less productive. Giving your employees access to time– management training can be crucial in ensuring that schedules are as structured as they can be, allowing work to get done.
You might consider bringing in an expert to present to your team on ways they can best use their time. During this COVID-19 situation, having an expert weigh in on best practices to working remotely may be helpful.
3. Delegate – with support.
Giving ownership of non-critical tasks to your employees will not only clear up time in your schedule, but will also give your employees more defined responsibilities. As you delegate tasks to employees, work closely with them so that delegation turns into a learning opportunity. Yes, this takes more of your time – but as any parent will tell you, it pays off.
4. Encourage breaks/vacation.
Anyone loses stimulation when they’re under duress, and particularly with many employees currently juggling working from home along with family responsibilities, it’s important to communicate realistic expectations to your team. Without the usual camaraderie and “water cooler chatter” that take place in an office environment, your employees may feel disconnected or overtaxed. Breaks become important, and your employees should be encouraged to take them.
Of course, it’s also important to remove stress from your own life. As you take these tips into consideration, how can they also apply to you?
Read the full article here.
Related Article: A Beginners Guide to Working From Home