If you were to describe your perfect candidate, what would they look like?
Chances are, you’re thinking about an elegant mix of skills, talent, experience and character in just the right proportions for a particular role.
But there’s one quality you should definitely look for in just about any candidate for any role, and that’s the trait of career-consciousness.
Every day, we speak with both client companies seeking to hire and talented folks looking for jobs. And there is a big difference between candidates who simply want the shiny new job that pays well and candidates making strategic career moves.
The latter are the ones you want. As one VP of Business Development told Glassdoor: “They show up on time and tend to perform far higher than expected. These are the people who go home and read books about their industry not only because they want to succeed in their field, but because they truly love it.”
To attract the career-conscious, you have to demonstrate clear paths within your organization. Let candidates know there are opportunities for L&D — as well a tangible role advancement — with this job.
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